Sunday, October 6, 2013

UFO Indiana

UFO’s In Indiana are here to stay.  We have been monitoring these UFO’s here for over 3 months now and it seems like they are here to stay.  We have traveled to many places here in Indy and they seem to be very active here in the night skies.  We don’t know exactly what these UFO’s are here for but we have developed somewhat of a relationship with them.  There is many characteristics of these light orbs that resemble children but also at the same time they exude an unbreakable unity and strength.  They seem to function on a kinda hive mentality and are here to be noticed and to communicate.

ufo indiana

This video was taken right near my house.  this kinda footage is being seen all over the world right now.  Just search light orbs ufo’s on youtube and you will see many, many of these types of sightings.

The UFO Indiana research group is here to help out the people here in Indiana and elsewhere.  We would like to help by providing support.  If you or anyone else you know has seen a UFO up close and they are dramatized and don’t know where to turn to; just tell them about us and we will talk to them and maybe with sharing our experience going through the same exact things will help them cope and get over what ever they might be going through.

UFO Indiana

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