Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Moon Is An Alien Orb Space Station

There is an increased activity going on in the moon. We have been filming it on a regular basis and we have come to the conclusion that it is an alien space station or the moon itself is a big ET.  There are dozens of orbs flying in and out of the moon in an 8 minute video we reviewed today and we have much more to go through.

There is a massive amount of data that says: NASA, the Navy, and the US government are hiding some big things about what is going on in our moon.  Do we not have a right to know?

moon ufo indiana


Though 1.8 million images were taken, only 170,000 images were made public. The rest have been classified, which leads many to believe that proof of alien life is being withheld from the public.

According to the UFO Casebook website, NASA has captured images of what are believed to be alien bases on the far side of the moon. In 1994, the US Navy sent a satellite called Clementine to take images of the moon, but found nothing unusual enough to share with the public.

The evidence is piling up;  We have been able to actively monitor the activity on the moon and almost every single time we do, there is a lot of action going on there.  There is something going on up there and it’s cumming to a climax

Nostradamus is said to have predicted many things, but did the French seer prophesize the moon landing? This quatrain is believed to be telling of the moon landing or, some believe, the moon landing hoax…


“He will come to go into the corner of Luna,”

Where he will be captured and put in a strange land:

“The unripe fruits will be the subject of great scandal,”

“Great blame, to one great praise.”




Moon hoax landing ufo

In their book “Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA,” authors Richard Hogland and Mike Bara claim that glass or crystal-like ruins can be seen on the lunar surface. The towering structures are said to be over a mile long. Photos of the ruins, they say, were photographed by Apollo astronauts and withheld from the public by a NASA employee for over 30 years.

moon glass Chrystal structure ufo indiana

These craft have been seen many times in NASA videos with most being stationary over large high altitude lighting storms. This makes sense because lighting storms produce Positrons (antimatter) that scientists know has 1 billion times the electrical charge of a photon, this is what aliens would need to travel in space.

In theory, Positrons could allow for near light speed space travel and the earth is a gold mine for Positrons.  Once Lighting hits hydrogen atoms they split releasing the positrons to follow the electromagnetic field into outer space. Just as energy is so important for humans on earth or space travel it would be even more important to aliens. The Earth is the most productive planet known in our solar system for producing Positrons, it’s perfect and aliens know it.

The Moon Is An Alien Orb Space Station

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