Saturday, September 14, 2013

What are orbs?

So this is a very good question:  What are orbs?


There are many types of orbs and there is a wide hierarchy of them.  In the smallest forms we think that they are both messengers and data collector; able to relay messages from one Light Being to the other.  They fill space like a grid that connects our internet and helps connect one being.   They have individual personalities tho and might just be able to grow into a bigger light.  The orbs we see in the sky are what these things are asoociated with but many don’t know that.  They think that the orbs are spirits and tho I don’t want to squash someones beliefs there is actually a much simpler explanation to it.  They gather information for higher beings.

Many people feel the precese of something supernatural when they are expiriencint those little orbs we catch on night cameras and slr, and poinnt & shoot cameras.

Flying orbs. Parallel world.


Flying orbs in my home. IR camera at dark.



What are orbs?

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